The Review of Securities & Commodities Regulation, now in its 50th year of publication, appears twice a month (except for July and August, when it appears once a month). The Review of Banking & Financial Services, now in its 32nd year of publication, appears once a month. Each Review issue consists of one or two articles on current topics in securities, commodities, or banking law that are written by outstanding practitioners in the field.
As securities, commodities, and banking law have become increasingly complex, The Reviews have become ever more valuable to lawyers in these fields. News of developments, available from many sources, is one thing, but only in-depth analysis will put those developments in perspective and keep a practitioner from being blind-sided by some aspect of the subject that is not news. Review editors pick subjects by monitoring law conferences and selecting those topics that are of especial timeliness and interest. Conference speakers frequently write for us. A half-hour spent consulting a Review article is likely to be the most efficient and economical way of penetrating a new subject or simply keeping up with an old one.
The Reviews are unique in being published frequently enough to be current and being written by practitioners for practitioners. The articles are up-to-date, concise, and practical. With their broad range of authors from major firms, The Reviews provide a unique window into professional thinking on a host of subjects and problems that confront practicing securities, commodities, and banking lawyers. For practice in these areas, they are a must-have resource.